Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong

"Thoughts of Emily" is just a blog about my life. My life trapped in between places I called home. Those being Bangkok, Seattle and now Hong Kong. For now I don't know where I am heading in life. But you can learn more about me by following this blog. :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

“Remembering and Forgetting”

What I have learned from the video we have watched in class today is that people remember through the process of rehearsal, and we remember more about it when we are able to relate its context to who we are and what we already know. For example, schemas, which is what we expect from the certain subject, affects how we remember, because we expect things from this and that could distort our memories on that certain things.

Memories are separated into two parts: short-term memory and long-term memory. While long-term memory functions as the storage of memories and passed events/information, the short-term memory are active memories; it is what we are concentrating on. What we are paying attention to. That’s why we got another name for short-term memory, which is “working memory”. According to the research, long-term memories are stored in various part of the brain rather than just one part of the brain. However, the short term memory is stored on in a particular area of the brain. Therefore, if our neurons die, we would suffer from memory loss.

One way that would help us to remember is by chunking the context, in which I have already mentioned in the previous blogs. It improves our ability to remember the long lines of numbers. Another way is through mnemonic training technique, which could be done by associating two things together.


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